This is a single-player adventure to introduce a Tenebrate Murkdweller to a group. For more information on what a Tenebrate Murkdweller is please see the Break!-RPG Core rules.
All your life you’ve been living in the Murk. There you’ve learned to co-exist with the fairies and other unusual entities. You’ve survived by running small errands for money or food. Most recently you’ve been helping guard a caravan that keeps going from settlement to settlement, selling exotic foods that taste warm and exciting and buying just everyday Wistful Dark items that seem everyday and boring. Your pay will be a modest sum, but it’s an opportunity to see more of the continent and you also get to eat as much of the foods you’re guarding as you want. When you asked the boss about where the pots full of weird jams and other preserves were from they told you about the Blazing Garden and the sunlight. You are fascinated! On your slow trek from the Murk down to Aiden you resolve to go see the Blazing Garden for yourself.
Do an Aura Check
pass: the boss is delighted and tells you they’ll need people defending their ship on their journey back to get more preserves and sell the Wistful Dark items they’ve collected. You are welcome to join the crew!
fail: the boss says good luck paying for your passage on what little money you are getting for this job. A few days later another sword-for-hire suffers from diarrhoea and has to stay behind in a small dreary settlement. When you reach your final port the boss grinds his teeth as he hands people their wages and looks around at the lot of you. He offers you a job protecting his ship on its journey back to the Blazing Garden but he is obviously not happy about it.
Your voyage is uneventful. It’s like all the pirates that have ever existed have decided to go on holiday.
As you travel through the Twilight Merididan you are
a) delighted by the light and cannot believe it could get any brighter than this.
b) disturbed by the light and cannot believe it could get any brighter than this.
When you dock in a small port on the Pride Coast you receive another modest sum for your service. Now there is nothing to do. Do an Insight check
pass: you see a metal disk on the ground. Someone must have dropped it. You put it in your pouch to investigate later.
fail: this town is empty of anything interesting.
The town is very small, consisting mainly of warehouses, one single inn, and small shops. It doesn’t take you very long to walk through the entire town. Twice. It also seems like there is not much going on at the moment. You decide to go to the inn. There is no-one here either. The innkeeper is a human. They can only offer you some juice and spicy soup. The juice is sweet and sticky. It is also slightly fizzy. Do you
a) like it and order more
b) not like it but don’t tell anyone
As you are eating the unusual but tasty soup (you’ve already forgotten what it is made of and don’t want to ask again), another person walks in. A Rai-Neko. Of course. This is where they have most of their settlements. They see you and decide to sit across from you and order the Day’s Special (juice and spicy soup). They start talking to you and asking where you’re from, what you’re doing, where you’re going. Do you
a) answer them and ask them some things; basically having a really lovely conversation.
b) try to ignore them and all their questions.
After your meal you think of what you could do. The ship won’t be leaving again for a few days. This town is boring and has no sights you haven’t managed to see in the few hours you’ve been here. You could just start walking and see where you end up. Then the Rai-Neko looks at you and tells you that their farm is just a couple of hours walk from here and would you like to come see? Oh, what the hell! There’s nothing better to do right now so you agree to go with them.
On your way the Rai-Neko will not stop talking and tells you everything about their farm and the crops they grow and it is just too much to remember but it passes the time and at least you can’t get lost.
While you are walking the wind picks up and the sky darkens. There’s a rain-storm coming.
The rain-storm is really strong. The wind is howling so loudly that you can’t hear your companion anymore, the rain is pelting down so hard you can hardly see the path in front of you. You realize suddenly that the Rai-Neko is no longer walking next to you. You are wet and alone. All you can see is the path in front of you. So you follow it. Until it ends at a little farm. You go ahead and the first building is a barn. The door sticks a bit but you manage to push it open. Finally you are in a dry spot.
The choices in this adventure did not change the outcome. But they show your attitude towards this part of Outer World and how eager you are to return to the Wistful Dark. You are either all about seeing all these unknown places or you can’t wait to get back home where it is not so bright and the juice is not so weird.