Break! RPG

Because we enjoy Hero Kids very much but the aesthetic of D&D is a little too grown-up and scary, I was delighted when I heard about Break! RPG. I backed the Kickstarter and waited. When the preliminary PDF was released I showed my kids, but they have limited screen time and so we didn’t really get into it until the physical book arrived. That lets them sit and browse and go back and forth and admire not just the artwork but also the idea behind the game. Because it is light on rules and the world and its creatures offer many possibilities we have been busy coming up with our characters and an adventure. The campaign will consist (as is our wont) of many single-shot games. We take turns being GM and so far it has been lots of fun. I’ll try and post most of it.
I wrote little single-player adventures for the children’s characters so that they each have a reason for being on this campaign together.
Then we went into a dungeon kid2 designed and on a delivery quest designed by kid1. They’ve asked me to write another adventure so I’m working on that.