Tag Archives: hispanic

Hispanic Superheroes in North American Comic Books

The PDF below is my Masters Thesis as I handed it in in September 2010. I was awarded my M.A. earlier this year.

I quite liked doing the reading for this thesis. I had a lot of fun talking to people about it while I was writing it. And I was very lucky that the first issue of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics published its first issue in June 2010 and that they made all articles available for free.



I examined the representation of Hispanics in the superhero comics of the two largest US-American comic book publishing houses, Marvel and DC Comics. The aim is to expose the hegemony discourses contained in the stories and to analyze the construction of possible Hispanic identities that can be found in this medium.

This baby was written with Scrivener and I recommend you go get a free trial version now (Windows or Mac) just so you can see how amazing and flexible it is.